Monday, February 27, 2017


We were young and full of piss and vinegar.  Not a day went by when I didn't think about hoppin on a train and seeing you.   With all you have to offer I selfishly get lost in my own thoughts.  Maybe its my mind playing tricks on me....

Friday, February 17, 2017

Stave an artist, Cover your trash...

Been sort of out of step lately.  Restless and with a small desire to take over the world.  Feels like i am hanging on by a thread more and more as life goes on.  Maybe i can make something out of nothing...I'll be the off brand MacGyver

I seen this gem at the piggly wiggly on a bench.  Was pretty stoked to see it.  Thought of my buddy Natrrain when i seen it.  Hope your doin well brother.  Keep it alive in the 757 as long as you can brother

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Lemons (doodle of the day)

When handed lemons in life, freeze them.  These will cause more pain to your victim when you forcefully "toss" them at their head.... doodle in progress (listening to Cannibal Corpse at 730am is a gift from hell)

Monday, February 13, 2017


Death rides a pale white horse.  Well more like a broken down ford.....

Monday, February 6, 2017

Numb thoughts

Embrace the high.  It keeps you warm like a early summer day.  No pain as if on a morphine drip.  Able to relax able rest.  I fight with myself all day but when you light my soul i have no problems.  You make me creative, you make me want to explore my mind to do what i think i cant....

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Doodle of the day 2

Sometimes life is a struggle, maybe not with the wold but within.  I fight with my own mind like its my enemy.  My brain turns into an east LA gang war and i must end it. Almost like a cracken killing a diver....with no one in the helmet....(progress)

Doodle of the day (previous)

So i have veen getting more and more inspired.  I dont really know why but im not going to argue with myself.  I enjoy it.  It consumes me sometimes when i draw...hard to explain its like when the pencil hits the paper , I climb into a shell until i feel its done or come to a stopping point....hope you enjoy