Wednesday, May 31, 2017

How do i explain

How i wish i could tell you
Its not a bad thing
Atleast i hope it isnt
How do i explain the overwhelming feeling when i think of you
You make me want to live
From the first time i met you
You completed me
How do i explain that i am scared to tell people that i would be fine in life if i only had you
How do i explain that its on another level
And when i say this  its a connection i have never felt
You make me whole
Like floating amongst clouds
Like everything i have done doesnt matter
Like im perfect
How do i explain that i think you are the most beautiful woman in the world
Yes your shell is beautiful
Yet it is just a wall
You hang pictures on your wall
And words to live by
And memories
But behind that wall
Is the foundation
Not many see the foundation
The bare bones
The glue that holds it together
Inside, you are the most amazing thing i have ever experienced
The craftsmanship holding up you walls the beat inside your heart
Is truly what drives me
How do i explain that i would follow you to the ends of the earth
That as long as i were with you i know it will all be okay
How do i explain that if you needed a heart that you could have mine cause i know i would always be with you
How do i explain this and not seem out of line for these feelings
How do i not beat up myself for not telling you in fear of losing you
How do i explain that the day i walked away from you i died
How do i explain that you give me life
How do.i explain that the sound of your voice stops the bombs in my head
How do i...
How do i tell you that i dont care if im not the only one in your life
How do i explain that i feel selfish
How do i explain that i get scared
How do i explain that i fear you will out grow me
How do i explain that i cherrish every moment as if it was my last with you
Its something i cant explain
How do i explain that when you look at me you see inside of me
How do i explain that when you look at me i feel you see no walls
No pictures
But my foundation
My glue
My nails that keep me from falling apart
How do i explain that you see the best in me
How do i explain i write about you
How do i
How will i
I am scared to
I cant lose you
I am sorry for being selfish
How do i explain that i was never the same after i left
I am selfish
I am sorry
How do i explain to you how bad it hurts to have abandoned you
Did you feel abandoned
How do i explain how this eats me alive
Maybe someday you will read this
And i hope
I really hope you will still look at me the way you do
You will still let me be in your life
Even if in the shadows
Because i cant lose you
Will you still point to your forehead before we say goodbye
Will you still call me to vent
Will you still let me in your life
Will you still write i love you
Will you still call me in the mornings and make my day complete
Will you still let me see your foundation
Will you let me in to see what makes you tic
Do i risk it all to tell you
Will you think im a creep for these feelings
Am i the scum of the earth
Am i a barnacle on the side of your ship
The one that just wont come loose and you let it ride
I tell myself im not
But my fears get the best of me
They jump in like a tiger stalking its next kill
I know the tigers there
I try to pay it no mind
But how will i explain this
Time will tell
But until then
I will hold on
With all i have
I will do what i can to keep your foundation solid
I will give you all i have
I will be at your beck and call
To keep the ship afloat
To keep you
To know i have a treasure
To hold you in my heart
You are my rock
I will do whatever i can do to make sure that rock doesnt fall apart
I would melt myself down to build the rock stronger
How do i explain...

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Still standing

Thunder crashed
They ran for cover
Middle of the street
I challenged you
Strike me down
Make me feel your wrath
You failed to answer my call
All bark no bite

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Breath of fresh formalin...

The air tonight feels rather different
With every gust of wind I feel the past leaving
The cool breath of mother nature knows what I need
Her cold embrace makes me warm
Like she is telling me everything will be okay....

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


It was dark and your soul lit the room
You walked in and I could see again
For soo long I wandered in the dark wondering what I needed in life...
When I realized what i needed
I realized I already had it
I needed you
I needed your heart
I needed your soul
I needed you to keep be grounded in the storm...


The hurt went away when I heard your voice
You told me it would all be okay
Thats all i needed to hear...

Stay awake

You make me want to live
I went soo long without you
But somehow I knew you were there
It didn't skip a beat
You knew I would be back someday...
I stayed awake for you like I promised