Tuesday, July 25, 2017


I never want the smile to leave your face
Your smile makes even the darkest nights bright.
All i want in life is,to see you happy
You know my goals
I hope your okay with them
Just know that no matter how busy my life gets while trying to achive these goals i will always have endless amounts of time for you.
I hope it doesnt bother you that you are my life
Because you saved mine
I want to be around you 24/7
Its hard to explain
I mean your my best friend
I would travel to the ends of the earth just for your hugs and to kiss your forehead
We're bonnie and clyde
The scare pair
We were inseparable when we were teenagers and nothings changed about that
We were apart for a while...but i thought about you everyday
I cried often because i missed you
You held on to a piece of me and when i was broken we reunited and repaired me
If you look in the dictionary for the words best friend, partner in crime, lifesaver and soul mate you would notice they all have the same thing in common...you
Its crazy how one person can make someone want to live and do amazing things and that is what you do to me
You truly are the most amazing person in my life and i hope you will keep me forever
Im going to do everthing in my powers to make your life happy and the best it can possibly be.
Trust me you will be able to be gay every day soon hah
I love you to the moon and back

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