Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Sadomasochistic Son of God

People pray to a god that does not answer
They betray their fellow man for that idol
Religion dismembers society just as much as racial prejudice
It strips those who have "faith" of what little bit of individuality that is left in their being
They follow
They turn ones beliefs into a way of life
Surrendering their own thoughts and self to a unknow entity
It gives some a glimmer a hope
Yet most get brain washed into "Christianity critics"
You wake up sunday morning
Put on your best outfit to listen to a "caped crusader"
The chosen one
The high and mighty to force feed you shit and expect you to pay for it
Where does your money go to?
My guess would be a liquor store followed by a trip to Cringe City
Testicular mutilation and shameful seduction fuel that man you trust every sunday morning to spread the good word
With his dick stapled shut and his ass hole filled with spiked marbles
He gives you words to live by
Want to meet up with him?
He can tell you how wrong your life is
He can tall you that hell is waiting for you just five minutes before he goes to pay to be sexually mutilated
What happened
What the fuck went wrong?
Did father MacGee touch you and teach you the art of praying on your knees?
The world may never know
All i know is that thinking for yourself will get you further in life than living by the hypocritical laws of religion
As far as you go preacher man,
I hope you enjoy your sadomasochistic ways
I hope the gerbal in your anus brings you joy and the hypodermic needles in your skin doesnt leave a mark... Dont forget the show must go on
Rain or shine...they need your blasphemy

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