Monday, July 10, 2017

7-10-17 aquatic acquaintances

You have a new friend
Hand in hand
You leap
Splashing and laughing
You are beautiful
Your mom is worried sick
With every time you hold your breath
Its understandable
Because you are her life
She will worry about you until she gone from this world
Yet you will always feel her worry even when she isnt with you
You should see her face
She is glowing tonight
She is absolutely beautiful underneath these stars
Her smile shares a bright light to fill even the darkest voids
She knows everything about you
She will guide you in life
Pay attention
She will give you the knowledge you need
I can only hope you grow up to be like her
You will do amazing things
I really cant wait to watch you grow up
And be in your life forever
I will show you this someday and tell you about these nights that i will never forget

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