Monday, June 26, 2017


We time traveled
Destination unknown
Laughter and love fuled this journey
There was no high point on this trip
No main attraction
Because the whole time i was with you it was pure bliss
I could have never asked for anything more
There was one low point
I had to say goodnight
I had to leave you
Its always the worst part
I guess because I know what you are going through
See me and you are so alike its ridiculous
We are fuled by passion
When those around us start ridiculing our every move it makes it hard to survive
Trust me i know
When the ones around you attempt to change you or strip your fuel away it becomes unbearable
The self worth becomes obsolete
The pain over takes the mind and causes rash decisions
The whole trip i watched you glow
The fireworks in your beautiful eyes were bigger than the 4th of july
When it came time to go home
I watched a change
A change that i know all too well
The smiles went away
The laughter stopped
The fireworks in your eyes became dimmer and dimmer as we arrived
The magic from the day had been tucked away for fear it would escape
I stayed with you as long as i could
Honestly i wish i didnt have to leave you
I wish i could just hold you close forever
Protect you from the ones that try to unravel your happiness
Ever felt like things are out of your control?
Its hard
Its hard for me not to give up it all so you can have it all
It kills me because on top of
jaw infections
Being sick
Being a mom
And so much more
You have to come home to this
The shit that makes life almost unbearable
You know how hard it is to keep my composure?
Keep my mouth shut
Be a nurturerer
Rather than A protector
How hard it is to say good bye on nights like these
I though about just crashing on a bench around your complex just to make sure i was there for you
To protect you from the narrow minded fool that co habitates with you
To tell you that everything will be fine as i run my fingers through your hair. 
What a way to end the most beautiful day ever
But i will be here for you
Thick and thin
Hell or high waters
I will be here
I truly love you and will be here until the end if time.

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