Sunday, June 25, 2017

Bridges break

Beast, you amuse me
You feel your words are lassos that will caputre me and bring me back into your stranglehold
Your words amuse me
They are funnier than an Archies comic strip out of the sunday paper
See, i feel that i am a pretty intelligent person
Do i have proper grammer...NO
Do I spell things correctly...Fuck No
Can i withold a intellectual conversation without hesitation...Absolutely
See i see through your words like a one way mirror
You dont know that i can smell the bullshit spewing out of your mouth
Its stronger than any bullshit i have ever smelled before.
I tried for 6 years to change
To bite the bullet and be a normal memer of society that was trapped in a maggot infested relationship
I tried to be the "Big Man"
To tackle everything just to make things tolerable
You may say im crazy
Your Probably right
If crazy is sticking around in a situation that mafe you hate life to the point you want to blow your mug all over the fucking wall then yeah im crazy
If crazy is getting called a cheater on the regular but, know that i havent cheated and putting up with it..,then yeah im crazy
If attempting to make things work even though i got told to "get the fuck out" on a bi weekly basis and then you getting mad when i start to pack is crazy then yep thats me
See for six years i took your bullshit
Your every fuckin sucker punch you could throw at me...i blew it off
Did i retaliate..yeah sometimes
Verbal self defense i like to think
See there comes a point when a bridge begins to give way due to the weight of the world
My bridge gave way
I played your game
Being as helpful, nice and loving as i could
I broke
I made moves
I dropped the weight
Now it is time to reconstruct my bridge
You arent allowed on my bridge anymore
The weight is too much for structure to handle
The nights of feeling no selfworth are over
Dead and gone
The days of questioning my every move are finished
I dont want you
You broke my bridge and on the way down you made sure to rip it to shreds
But guess what
I can build it back
Its a private bridge
And you are on the do not cross list

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