Saturday, June 24, 2017

Barnicle man

Im floating above the earth
Above all of the soaking wet clouds unleashing its heavy waters upon the groud below then
I dip my feet in those never ending waterfalls
They cool me off
Relax me
I finally feel after soo many years
The gaping wounds on my body from the past few years have finally begun to heal
So this is what happiness feels like?
This is what I never felt I would feel.
Its strange wanting to wake up in the morning
So many years confined to a room of wall to wall misery

Constantly swimming deeper and deeper into the depths of depressions dark oceans
The oxygen tanks given out yet i continued swimming
Deeper and deeper
For a moment I was weightless as the last breat excaped my body
My remains drifted ashore eventually
Covered in memories of that dark sea
I was gone
You found me
You cleaned me off
You refused to beleive i was gone
You knew what i needed to survive
Not much was needed to bring this lifeless body back to life and you had it
You didnt think twice When you reached into your soul
Selflessly pulling a piece from your inner workings
You then reached into my decating body
Searching around for that empy spot
Where your piece would fit
Filling the void that had grown so dark
I was back to life
You brought me back
To know what true joy and love really felt like
To share your wild journey through life
You dont ask for anything in return
Yet i give you it all
This is what joy and happiness feels like
Its been a long time

Icould get used to this...

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