Thursday, June 15, 2017


You give me anxiety
When i hear your name i turn cold
Fuck you
You made me this way
I would rather die alone then to breathe you air
You are the scum of the earth
You make me hate life
You wont get to me anymore
You are cut off
I hope i get dementia
Just to forget about you
Fuck you
Quit calling my friends
They only tolerate you because of me
Fuck your family
Nothing but a bunch of 2 faced bible thumpers
Money rules your world
Your additue changes more than i change my underwear
I wont stoop to your level
But i hope you die
I hope you die of old age
I hope you live a long life wondering why i left
I hope you question everything
I hope your skin crawls when you hear my name
Go die.... of old age

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