Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Fuck it do what makes you feel good

I like this thing.  The whole blogging thing.  Even though i doubt anyone reads this steaming pile of elephant shit i call writing.  If no one ever reads this shit i am okay with that.  See unlike social media, i can let it all hang out.  I dont have to watch what i say, or worry about being "politically correct", i can just go with the flow.  If i want to say Fuck and Whore and TuscanMandick then guess what.  I fuckin can.  See i feel like if people let out how they truly think on social media the get judged.  Unfortunately people get judged for everything these days.  Not too many people have open minds and pollite comments in their arsenals any more.  Its all a dick swinging contest.  Not on here it isn't.  I dont have to worry how my punctuation is (but i do try).  I originally wanted to start a hard,copy if all this but honestly i want to tote a book around 24/7 and if i used a voice recorder...well if i said out lound what i write down i may have to run for cover haha.  Its already bad enough i snap pictures of people on the bus..what!!  Dont judge me.. Its no different than snapping a Polaroid of a creature in the wild...  Man that makes me sound bad... But its true there are so many different kinds of people,out there.  Walks of life, its interesting. So back to my pile of dog shit on the table...my writing.  See,i can write about all these people or how i feel in this "blog" and not have to worry about being judged.  Only people i let into this world are the ones like me.  The ones that see the beauty in this asinine world.  The ones that are open minded, who know how i tick.  These are the people who i let in... Other than that, if you stumble across all this puke on paper and read it...i hope you dont feel like you wasted your precious time.  You can write in your blog about how devastatingly unbearable it was to read suck a putrid pile of garbage...or you can write good things.  Its up to you...fuck it do what makes you feel good!

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