Tuesday, June 13, 2017

06.13.17 truck stop steaks with headless hank

They found your head,  sitting lonley on the steps of some poor bastards home.  They found your body, seared to perfection like a cheap steak at the run down truck stop off the highway.  You were a mile apart from yourself.  Was this your head? Is that your body laying down the road? Is there another headless stiff bleeding out cold and loney somewhere?  Is there another head on someones porch like a cheap pumkin on Halloween?  I fucking hope so... I hope I find your head... I hope you havent been in the sun too long.  I will keep you forever and tell no one...well maybe one person but dont worry she's the bee's knees.  We would have joint custody of your lifeless remains.  I will take tuesdays thursdays and every other weekend.  You wont be alone litttle guy.  We will bring you to all the family functions and even take you out for pizza if your a good little specimen.  But honestly, who hacked you up?  You should really start surrounding yourself with creative people.  Couldn't they come up with something more original than decapitation and cooking your body?  I feel acts like come from the mind of someone who shops at walmart... be original, be the best killer you can be.  Add salt and pepper to it atleast.... no one likes a cheap bland steak....

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