Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Baloon messages

Your a mythological creature to us
You are whatever we can dream in our head,  you are what everyone needs and hope you would be.  To me you are a gentle giant.  Sometimes i dream i crawl into the palm of your hand and sleep.  Its comforting.  I dream that you have the most life changing hugs built into your machine.  You dont give them out to anyone but us.  I sleep with your blanket, i feel that is the closest way to get to you, i put it over my body and it transports me to you.  I think about you all the time.  I have only seen very few pictures of you.  But in my mind i have millions of them.  We all have small pieces to help us in vision you and to remeber you.  I hope i make you proud.  I hope you think that i can do no wrong.  I hope you Love me.  Would we be best buddies if you were here?   Would you take me fishing and tell me stories over a beer? You were there when i moved back home.  You helped me load that uhaul.  I know you did because i was so beaten dow i couldnt do it by myself.  I hope nammy and pap talk to you and tell you about me growing up.  I hope your okay.  I love you.  I send you baloons filled with invisible messages.  I hope you get them.  Look out for the family up there.  I have slme friends up there that could prob use one of your hugs.  I hope they find you.  I will write to you again soon i promise.  I hope your proud of me.  I love you.

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