Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Shit cake

Do you hate your job that much?
Bad enough that talking to scum like me is just the icing on the dog shit cake you ate this morning.
I just want to know where to catch the number 9
Thats all
One simple question
One second out of your shitty bus driving existence
I will give you the benefit of the doubt
Maybe you woke up and foud out your dick doesnt work
Maybe you came into work today to find six homeless people on your bus having a flea infested orgy
Or maybe your like this every day of your shitty human existance
Do you go home and beat your wife like a piece cheap piece of meat from the value section at the pighly wiggly
Do you go to a shitty apartment in the hood that you and the infestation of cockroaches call home
Hopefully you don't
But who fucking knows
All i know is what i see
Your a pissed off old man
Mad at the cards you got delt
Must suck to wake up and hate fucking life

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