Sunday, June 25, 2017


I hate that i think about you constantly
I hate that you are my happiness
I hate that i only feel comfort when i hear or see you
I hate that i cant be around you all of the time
But all of this hate for the thing i love
Strange how this works i guess
I find myself struggling to not text you
Struggling to know you have your own life and i am just a small part of it
Guess ill be here when you want to talk or come around
Waiting like a confused old do waiting by the do for someone to come in and show it love
I really fear you will out grow me
It will tear me apart
But here i go
Thinking about shit i can not control
Wondering if you think of me
Or am i just a teddy bear that sits in to corner until you need me
Cmon reach over
Need me
Pull that string in my spine
Bring me to life

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